TASTE is dependent on its supporters to achieve much of its work.
Making a difference in the lives of needy communities in Nigeria costs money and most of it comes from our supporters. If you are one already – thank you. We cannot achieve what we do without you. If you are thinking of becoming a supporter – thank you – this page will let you see how easy, and painless, it can be to support TASTE.
What can my support achieve?
will purchase a 2 metre length of blue alkathene pipe – known in the trade as casings. We need about 15 of these to line each borehole.
will fund a teaching session for 200 children, when Grace teaches them about the need for good hygiene and clean drinking water.
will pay for our survey team to conduct a full survey to show where we ought to drill to be certain of getting clean drinking water.
average cost for the repair of an existing bore hole and hand pump
will allow us to drill a borehole for provision of water via a hand pump.
covers all the costs associated with providing a community with a clean water supply via a borehole and solar panel powered pump.