It is not very often that TASTE makes a big announcement. However, today is an exception. TASTE has a new Chief Executive. With effect from 1 May 2012, Ben Udejiofo will become CEO TASTE, replacing Steve Horton, who is taking on a full-time role with Wycliffe Church in Sheffield.  Steve will be moving back to his role of enthusiastic TASTE volunteer.

TASTE has been searching for a replacement for Steve since the middle of January and Ben comes as a real answer to prayer. Not only does he know TASTE inside out, his circumstances mean that he is able to take up the post on a full-time basis, something which Steve was unable to do.

However, never having funded a full-time CEO before will present certain financial challenges and the Trustees have committed themselves to finding the means to pay Ben a fair full-time salary. This is one of Steve’s last CEO challenges and he would love to hear from anyone who could make a monthly standing order towards Ben’s salary.  Contact Steve, in confidence, at .

Final, departing words from Steve?
“There cannot be anyone, anywhere in the world, that has a better grasp than Ben of what TASTE is about.  Exciting times are ahead!”